The ...inhabitants of the Chesapeake Bay Region made ...its bountiful resources. The large pristine bay and its waterways including the Potomac River before ... sustained nearly 27,000 Native Americans.
...around...creeks... of the watershed. Bathing and swimming were ... in a world without horses, dug out canoes skimmed bay tributaries. Salty tidewaters provided seemingly unlimited fish, oysters, and crabs to supplement crops and game. Shells and pearls served as money, jewelry and clothing decoration.
...oyster shells formed...the mounds found near Washington's Birthplace, and ... harvesting. The fluid nature of Native American towns minimized the impact of primitive waste... and farming ... Exhausted fields and ... perated when ... for new areas.
Sixteenth century Spanish, French, and ... explorers discovered this .. paradise. The European ... followed found a pristine world of of abundant resources. Like the natives before them, these settlers exploited the region to the fullest extent allowed by their technology.
A new era had begun for the Chesapeake Bay.
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