Beacon Hill

Beacon Hill (HMNVX)

Location: New Haven, CT 06512 New Haven County
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N 41° 16.946', W 72° 53.555'

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On this spot a signal beacon
was established in 1775
and about this hill
American patriots
bravely resisted a large force
of invading British troops
July 5, 1779
To honor the deeds of the Fathers
Rising above the location of this sign stands Beacon Hill. In 1775 a large pile of brush and firewood was placed on top of Beacon Hill ready to be set on fire as a beacon light to warn of an enemy approach.
On July 4, 1779 British troops were sighted in Long Island Sound heading towards New Haven. Signal guns were fired from Black Rock Fort. A fire was set atop Beacon Hill as well as atop East Rock and West Rock to warn residents and to prepare to fight.
On July 5, 1779 British troops landed on the east shore. American patriots bravely resisted a large force of invading troops on and about Beacon Hill on July fifth. The British invasion of New Haven resulted in 56 English soldiers killed, wounded and missing. The American loss was 23 killed, 15 wounded and 12 made prisoner as well as many homes and properties burned and destroyed.
Beacon Hill was renamed Fort Wooster in August 26, 1814 in honor of Major-General David Wooster who bravely served during the war and lost his life in 1777 during a battle in Ridgefield, Connecticut.
Year Placed2001
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 at 8:25pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18T E 676483 N 4572252
Decimal Degrees41.28243333, -72.89258333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 41° 16.946', W 72° 53.555'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds41° 16' 56.76" N, 72° 53' 33.30" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)203
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 30 Clarendon St, New Haven CT 06512, US
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