This honors his 250th birthday,1734-1984. Born in Va., Aug. 14.A frontiersman and Indian fighter.By 1760 he had settled in S.C. He wasa member First Provincial Congress,called in 1775 because war withEngland threatened. The commanderof The 6th Reg., S.C., in 1776, The Brig.Gen., S.C. Militia, known as the"Gamecock of the American Revolution."
(Reverse text)
War won, he returned to his Stateburgplantation and business. He soughtpensions for veterans. He was electedto; S.C. Assembly, 1782, ContinentalCongress, 1783, U.S. Congress 1789 93,1797-1801, and the U.S. Senate, 1801-1810. Sumter served under our firstthree presidents, Washington, Adams,and Jefferson and known as a strongStates Rights man.
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