One of four population centers during the early period of American settlement of the present El Paso area, Magoffinsville was founded by Kentucky native James Wiley Magoffin (1799-1868). In 1849, he began acquiring land in this vicinity. The headquarters of his property was at Magoffin and Willow streets (10 blks. E). There he built a large home and buildings to serve his trading, ranching, and farming activities.
Magoffinsville became the center of social and business activities for the area and travelers often were given rest in the Magoffin home. From 1854 until 1868, Fort Bliss, a United States Army post, was located at Magoffinsville on leased land.
During the Civil War, Magoffin's property was confiscated by Federal forces and his home was badly damaged. After the war, Magoffin, in poor health, moved to San Antonio, where he died in 1868. The following year his widow, Dolores, and eldest son, Joseph, regained some of the property. Joseph began selling parcels of the land and by 1873 was an organizer of the El Paso Real Estate Trust and Immigration Company. His home at this site (1110 Magoffin Avenue), although not a part of Magoffinsville, was built in 1875 in the style of the original Magoffin Home.
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