Starkweather's Harried History

Starkweather's Harried History (HMQ67)

Location: Madison, WI 53704 Dane County
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N 43° 5.494', W 89° 20.039'

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The first plan for a sewage system in Madison was adopted in 1885. The system first pumped untreated human waste directly into the lakes.
It wasn't until 1901 that a sewage treatment facility was built. By then Lake Monona and the surrounding water was thick with weeds and scum and had an overpowering odor.

The U.S. Sugar Beet Factory was built in 1906 to process beets into an inexpensive form of table sugar.
The factory produced up to 50 tons of beet sugar a day until it closed in 1924.

An average of 50 tons of waste was deposited into Starkweather Creek each year the U.S. Sugar Beet Factory was in operation.
The building still stands at the north end of Olbrich gardens. It is now owned by the City of Madison.

From 1911 - 1922 Starkweather Creek wetlands were drained and the creek was straightened.
HM NumberHMQ67
Placed ByThe Olbrich Botanical Society and the Friends of Starkweather Creek
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, October 12th, 2014 at 2:42am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16T E 310040 N 4773627
Decimal Degrees43.09156667, -89.33398333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 43° 5.494', W 89° 20.039'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds43° 5' 29.64" N, 89° 20' 2.34" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)608
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 3350-3400 Atwood Ave, Madison WI 53704, US
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