United States Army Panel
Harry F. Berry, 32, PFC, USA, WWII
Frederick W. Peterman, Jr., 21, PFC, USA, WWII
Howard G. Watkins, 20, Sgt, USA, WWII
Frank N. Flick, 21, Pvt, USA, WWII
Harry Childs, 19, Pvt, USA, WWII
Earl E. Livengood, 30, Pvt, USA, WWII
Herbert F. Clauhs, 26, Pvt, USA, WWII
Vincent J. Noyallis, 26, Sgt, USA, WWII
Frank J. Nostadt, Jr., 23, Spec4, USA, Vietnam
John T. Gutekunst, 20, Sgt, USA Abn, Vietnam
United States Air Force Panel
Paul Baus, Jr., 23, 2nd Lt, USAF, WWII
Raymond L. Klotz, 22, 1st Lt, USAF, WWII
William J. Schill, [PFC, USA] WWII
Jack G. Robinson, WWII
William E. Smedburg, [Sgt, USA,] WWII
Edward [G.] Davison, [PFC, USA,] WWII
William E. Hagerty, [PFC, USA,] WWII
Ronald C. Kinsky, 20, A/2, USAF, Vietnam
George W. Abey, PFC, US[A], Vietnam
James M. Reinhardt, 20, Sgt, USA, Vietnam
United States Navy Panel
Thomas E. Jardel, 20, Fn 1/C, USN, WWII
Adolph W. Mack, 27, Wt 1/C, USN, WWII
Rob Roy Latta, [CQM, USN,] WWII
William J. Wagner, [USMC,] WWII
Allen Gardner, WWII
Russell E. Williams, [S2C, USN,] WWII
Walter G. Reynolds, [Pvt, USMC,] WWII
Michael P. Warner, 20, PFC, USA, Vietnam
John J. Gallagher, 25, Spec4, USA, Vietnam
James J. Kline, 25, Spec4, Vietnam
United States Marine Corps Panel
George H. Sivel, Jr., 18, Cpl, USMC, WWII
Thomas J. Kapral, [Pvt, USA,] WWII
Paul W. Winters, WWII
William Hunn, WWII
Richard [W.] Conrad, [Pvt, USA,] WWII
Fergus J. Carroll, 19, Cpl, USMC, Vietnam
Tilo R. Oesterreich, 21, Cpl, USMC, Vietnam
Daniel J. Yeutter, 20, Cpl, USMC, Vietnam
Arthur Reynolds, Jr., 19, PFC, USMC, Vietnam
Prayer for the United States of America
I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you...in His holy protection. That he would incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow citizens of the United States, and particularly for their brothers who have served in the field, and finally, that He would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to have mercy, and to demean ourselves with charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind...that without these things, we can never hope to be a happy nation.
Except from a letter to the Governors of the Thirteen States...June 8, 1783
George Washington
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