Ebenezer Capps' Store

Ebenezer Capps' Store (HMSI2)

Location: Vandalia, IL 62471 Fayette County
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N 38° 57.697', W 89° 5.674'

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The store of Ebenezer Capps was located just north of this site at the northeast corner of Main and Fourth streets.

The location of Main street is not the same today as when Lincoln was here. Vandalia existed long before the coming of railroads. When the St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute Railroad was constructed, it ran down what had been Main Street under an easement from the city of Vandalia. Capps Store likely stood in the middle of what is now Main Street.

Ebenezer Capps arrived in Vandalia in the late 1820's. He was granted a grocery license by the Fayette County court of commissioners in 1828. Members of the legislature would have frequented his establishment. It is said that Ebenezer Capps bought everything anyone had for sale and sold everything from a needle to an elephant. For many years, Capps' market quotations set the price of commodities from Vandalia all the way to New Orleans. This store served as the site for a celebration by the Long Nine in February of 1837 after they were successful in passing legislation removing the capital to Springfield.

Supporters of Vandalia attempted on several occasions to reverse the February 1837 vote. The last such effort was a meeting held in Vandalia in July 1838.

Some historians suspect there was a connection between the removal of the capital and the passage of an internal improvements act. Some have also accused Lincoln and the Long Nine of "log rolling." The vote on the removal of the capital no doubt involved the usual horse trading and political wrangling. However, most historians agree that it did not involve any illegal or improper acts. After the February 28, 1837 vote, the victorious Long Nine immediately staged a celebration at Ebenezer Capps' tavern, near the state house, and invited the entire legislature. Most of the members came and partook generously of free champagne, cigars, oysters, and other delights. The bill for the celebration was paid for by the wealthy Ninian W. Edwards and is reproduced above.

Ebenezer Capps operated one of the largest wholesale and retail establishments in Illinois during the time that Vandalia served as the state capital.
HM NumberHMSI2
Series This marker is part of the Illinois: Looking for Lincoln series
Year Placed2008
Placed ByLooking for Lincoln Heritage Coalition
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, September 13th, 2014 at 1:10am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 318521 N 4314603
Decimal Degrees38.96161667, -89.09456667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 57.697', W 89° 5.674'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 57' 41.82" N, 89° 5' 40.44" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)618
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 100-198 N 4th St, Vandalia IL 62471, US
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