From the 1920s through the 1970s, Mentor was recognized as the Rose Capital of the Nation. Lake effect climate, a variety of soils, and abundant water made Mentor ideal for growing roses. Over a dozen growers produced about five million plants a year from their fields in Mentor. The Civic Center Complex was once a massive field of roses, and streets such as Tea Rose, Wyant, and Rosebud were named in honor of the blossoms that grew so abundantly here. Notable growers include Gerard K. Klyn, the largest rose grower in the Midwest; Joseph Kallay, who in 1932 received U.S. patent No. 10 for "Blaze;" Melvin E. Wyant, accredited rose grower, judge, and lecturer; Joseph J. Kern, nationally recognized expert on old fashioned roses; and Paul R. Bosley, who specialized in hybrid tea roses. By the 1970s, increased land values and development led to depletion of much of Mentor's nursery lands.
Commemorative Rose Garden
Property Donation
In recognition of National City Bank's
generous donation of this property
to the City of Mentor on May 18, 2001.
The Commemorative Rose Garden
was established on this site in 1988
to mark the 25th anniversary of
Mentor's incorporation.
Henry W. Brown III
In appreciation of your many years
of service, leadership and dedication
to the Rose Garden and beautification
of the City of Mentor, we thank you.
Mentor Beautification Commission
June 27, 2002
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