(west face)
Montis Zion Collegii annos vigenti tres.
singulari felicitate Pridi.
Multa pr?clara in tam longissimo
curriculo et didicit et docuit.
In literis eruditus, in disciplina solers,
tenax propositi, in omni officio
doctor prtantissimus exstitit.
Laudem quam sibi ipse peperit,
illam hoc marmor non tam perpetuare
potest quam celebrare.
(English translation of the Latin inscription)To James Wilson Hudson, who for twenty-three years served with extraordinary success as President of Mount Zion College. In so very long a career he distinguished himself in both learning and teaching. Well-versed in letters, skilled in instruction, steadfast in purpose, he showed himself in every aspect of his work a most excellent educator. It is the power of this marble less to perpetuate than to celebrate that glory which he obtained for himself.
(east face)
Sacred to the Memory
James Wilson Hudson
born October 4th. A.D. 1802,
died September 21st, A.D. 1857
This Monument is erected over his remains,as a tribute to worthand usefulness.
(south face)
In Memory
Brother James W. Hudson
of DeKalb Lodge No. 6, I.O. of O.F.
(north face)
In Memory of
Brother James W. Hudson
of Winnsboro Lodge No. 11, A. Fr. M.
(signed) W. T. White, Ch. S. C.
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