Watch and listen to see how many different birds you can discover on Pikes Peak. From the foothills to the summit, there are about 225 species. This variety is due to the number of habitats on the mountain. Can you match the birds to the habitat?
Foothills Forest (6,000-8,000 feet): Pinyon pine, Juniper, Scrub oak.
Montane Forests (8,000-9,500 feet) Douglas fir, Ponderosa pine, Aspen.
Subalpine Forests (9,500-11,500 feet) Englemann spruce, Bristlecone pine, Limber pine.
Alpine Tundra (11,500 feet and above) Englemann spruce, Bristlecone pine, Limber pine.
Reservoirs.Green-winged teals, Bald eagles, Mallards, California gulls, White-crowned sparrows, Gray jays, Clark's nutcrackers, Golden and ruby-crowned kinglets, Twonsend's solitaires, Scrub jays, Black-billed magpies, Spotted towhees, American pipits, Brown-capped rosy finches, Common ravens, White-tailed ptarmigan, Broad-tailed hummingbirds, Dark-eyed junco, Steller's jay, Mountain chickadees.
Dedicated to the memory of Rich Buzzelli, landscape photographer, nature lover and friend of Pikes Peak.
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