The Boy Scouts of America began in February of 1910. During the first year, The Reverend Clinton S. Quin, Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, organized a a troop, which his parish sponsored, to serve the boys of Paducah. Troop 1 is recognized as one of the original troops of the Boy Scouts of America and as one of twenty four troops to have been in continuous existence since the beginning.
This mural represents the first 100 years of Scouting by depicting the changes in uniforms and equipment between 1910 and 2010. The mural was inspired by a 1915 photograph taken at Mammoth Cave by Boy Scout George Katterjohn, who inscribed along its margin, "Evening Roll Call". Mr. Quin, the troop' s first scoutmaster, is calling the roll of the 120 scouts attending the ten day campout. Each scout was required to earn the money to pay his way to camp. In the early years Troop 1 traveled by train to Mammoth Cave, but by steamboat to reach campsites in Southern Illinois.
,br>For a century, Troop 1 was promoted the principles written in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Through achievement and outdoor adventure, Troop 1 encourages hardiness, honor, and leadership in each Scout on his journey to manhood.
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