Yountville's First Fire House

Yountville's First Fire House (HMXH5)

Location: Yountville, CA 94599 Napa County
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N 38° 24.225', W 122° 21.838'

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On this site in April, 1929, the County of Napa built Yountville's first fire house, with Homer Douglas serving as volunteer fire chief and Silvio Tonascia as assistant fire chief. The county provided a 1929 Fageol fire truck to be used by the Yountville volunteer firemen. It replaced a trailer with a tank on it, which replaced a "push cart" that the volunteer firemen purchased when they were formally organized in 1917. The tank was filled at a local well, as the only other source of water was an undependable water line from an earthen dam in Hopper Canyon. During World War II the County and the Veterans Home established a mutual aid agreement for support to the community.

In 1946, the then fire chief died and for a time his widow served as fire chief. During this time the County put some three inch hyrdants on the Veterans Home water main and the firemen had a source of water to fill their truck.

In 1948 the County took over the operation of the Yountville Fire Station and Henry Hill was sent to be the County Fire Chief with volunteers as his crew. In 1960 the County selected ten men to serve as volunteer firemen under the Chief. In 1963 these men were released from duty. This ended over 100 years of volunteer fire service to the Town of Yountville by many courageous men and women of the area. This site is dedicated to them with our grateful thanks.

Dedicated May 21, 2004 in cooperation with
The Town of Yountville by

Colonel Nelson Holderman Parlor No. 319
Native Sons of the Golden West

Geo. C. Yount Parlor No. 322
Native Daughters of the Golden West
HM NumberHMXH5
Series This marker is part of the Native Sons/Daughters of the Golden West series
Year Placed2004
Placed ByNative Sons of the Golden West Parlor No. 319 and Native Daughters of the Golden West Parlor No. 322
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 at 8:36am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)10S E 555534 N 4250804
Decimal Degrees38.40375000, -122.36396667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 24.225', W 122° 21.838'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 24' 13.50" N, 122° 21' 50.28" W
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Area Code(s)707
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 6554-6598 Washington St, Yountville CA 94599, US
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