[English text]:
The celebrated heroine of the war of 1812 is a renowned figure in Canadian History. Determined to warn the British of an impending attack on Beaver Dams, Secord set out from her home on June 22, 1813, on a dangerous mission. She traveled alone for over 30 kilometers, behind enemy lines, struggling to make it to the De Cew farmhouse, where she informed Lieutenant Fitzgibbon about the American plan. Later in the 19th century, a first generation of women historians championed Secord's courageous deed with the goal of uncovering and popularizing women's contributions to the history of Canada.
[French text]:
Cette c?l?bre h?ro?ne de la guerre de 1812 est une figure marquante de lhistoire du Canada. D?termin?e ? pr?venir les Britanniques dun imminent assaut am?ricain ? Beaver Dams, Secord quitta son foyer, le 22 juin 1813, pour accomplir une mission p?rilleuse. Elle franchit seule plus de 30 kilom?tres derri?re les lignes ennemies, parvenant ? grand-peine ? la ferme De Cew o? elle informa le lieutenant FitzGibbon des plans dattaque am?ricains. Plus tard au XIXe si?cle, une premi?re g?n?ration dhistoriennes c?l?bra ce courageux exploit afin de faire reconna?tre lapport des femmes ? l?pop?e canadienne.
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