Facing Fort Road (Southeast Side):
Here rests the remains of
David Williams,
One of
the Captors of
Major Andre.
in Schoharie County
August 2nd, 1831
Aged 76 years
6 m's 8 days.
He with his compatriots, John Paulding and Iassic VanWart
on the 23d of September 1780, arrested Major John Andre
and found on his person treasonable papers in the hand
writing of Gen. Benedict Arnold who sought by treachery
to surrender the military post of West Point. into the
hands of the enemy. In resisting the great bribes of their
prisoner for his liberty they showed their incorruptible
patriotism; the American army was saved, and our
beloved Country became free.
The Northeast side (to the right):
Patriae Vincit
Gen. Washingtons letter to the President of Congress
October, 1780 "The party that took Major Andre acted
in such a manner as does them the highest honor,
and proves them to men of great virtue."
Back side (facing the Fort):Nancy Benedict
Wife of
David Williams.
Aug. 5, 1844.
aged 87 years
6 m's 8 days.
This monument was erected by the State of New York
From an appropriation made in the centennial year
of 1876 By a bill introduce by Senator W.C. Lamont.
Under the following State Commissioners:
Daniel Knower,Ralph Brewster,Charles Holmes.
[Carved by] H.R & Z.J. Brown.
Facing Southwest:
By authority of Congress in 1780, a silver
medal was voted to them and presented
to the captors by Gen. Washington at a
dinner to which he invited them while the
army was encamped near Ver Planks Point.
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