Frederick C. Franck, Jr., Residence

Frederick C. Franck, Jr., Residence (HMZPM)

Location: Santa Clara, CA 95050 Santa Clara County
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N 37° 21.091', W 121° 56.722'

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1179 Washington Street

— Point of Historical Interest —

Built in 1905 by Frederick C. Franck, Jr. (1873-1954). Santa Clara town trustee, businessman and son of Senator F.C. Franck. The Franck family owned this entire block. Maude Shuld Franck (1878-1960) his wife lived her until her death.

The house was designed by Louis Lenzen, a prominent San Jose architect, in the Colonial Revival style popular after the turn of the century. Major features are the square shape, hipped roof, modillion blocks under the eaves and corner oriel windows at the second story.
Year Placed1983
Placed BySanta Clara Historical and Landmark Commission
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, September 7th, 2014 at 10:49pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)10S E 593404 N 4134389
Decimal Degrees37.35151667, -121.94536667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 37° 21.091', W 121° 56.722'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds37° 21' 5.46" N, 121° 56' 43.32" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)408, 619, 650
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1155-1199 Washington St, Santa Clara CA 95050, US
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