You searched for City|State: buffalo, wy
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To the Glory of
and in memory
N.P. Daniels, U.S.A.
Terrell, U.S.A.
On this Spot
July 20th 1866,
by Sioux Indians
Two legends give rise to the name of Crazy Woman Creek. Both are based on tragic events. In one, a young woman is left alone after and attack on her village. She lived in a squalid wickiup and on a moonlit nights could be seen leaping from rock to…
First known as Cantonment Reno, For McKinney was established in 1876 on the Powder River near present-day Jaycee. In 1877, the Fort was renamed for Lieutenant John McKinney, who died during the Dull Knife Battle in 1876.
The Fort's presence dire…
Father DeSmet S.J.
Erected 1940
Buffalo, Wyoming, the Johnson County seat, chartered March 3, 1884, started as a trading center for Fort McKinney, located two miles west of town, which was founded July 18, 1887 and is now the Veterans' Home of Wyoming.
The court house was bu…
In Honor
of the Men and Women of
Johnson County, Wyoming
who served in the Armed
Forces of the United States
in times of War... an in
memory of those who gave
their lives for Our Country
Spanish-American War
1898 - 1903
Me and Nick was getting breakfast when the attack took place. Two men with us - Bill Jones and another man. The old man went after water and did not come back. His friend went out to see what was the matter and he did not come back. Nick started o…
Before you is the "eighteen wheeler" of the 1860's. It could haul 2000 lbs. to 5000 lbs. of weight depending on the grades of the trail. This model of the wagon was powered by oxen. Anywhere from 3 yokes (a yoke being two oxen) …
This cabin was moved here from the George Schreibeis ranch on the Tongue River. It's made of hand hewn cottonwood logs. As you can see the cabin builder was not a practiced log home builder. He used the materials that were readily availab…
The high country backdrop on top of the Big Horn Mountains encompasses much of the Cloud Peak Wilderness area. This 195,000 acre area was designated as wilderness by Congress in 1984. The highest point in the wilderness area is C…