Historical Marker Search

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Musgrove Mill State Historic Site is devoted to preserving a portion of the site of the Battle of Musgrove's Mill. On August 19, 1780, a small, yet battle-tested band of Patriot militia outmaneuvered and outfought a larger loyalist force compromis…
Even though Edward Musgrove chose to stay neutral in the Revolutionary War, his property was desirable real estate for the British. The ford across the Enoree River could provide a known crossing, the grist mill on the property could provide food …
Edward Musgrove had been in the backcountry long enough to experience the brutality of frontier warfare, being involved in the Cherokee Wars and the Regulator Movement. Although he had hoped to live in peace, his home would draw the attention of t…
Site of Battle of Musgrove MillAmerican RevolutionAugust 18, 1780
The cemetery located about 1/2 mile SW, marks the original site of the church, founded Sept. 10, 1836. Buried here is William Blakely, Sr., survivor of Hayes Station Massacre, 1871, who with Samuel Blakely donated the land for the church and cemet…
U.S. 76Between Clintonand LaurensNamed in 1979 in HonorofWilliam C. Dobbins, Jr.Member, South CarolinaHouse of Representatives1957-62Member, South CarolinaSenate1965-68Member, South CarolinaState Highways and PublicTransportation Commission1975-79…
In Memory ofJames FerdinandJacobs1868 - 1931Whose foresight conceivedand whose spirit foundedthese two highwaysThe CalhounHighway ———?The Jacobs?——— Highway
This building — dedicated as a memorial to alumni killed in World War II and the Korean War — is named Douglas House in memory of that beloved servant of God, the Reverend Davison McDowell Douglas, B.A., B.D., M.A., D.D., LL.D., who se…
In Loving Memory Captain Kimberly Nicole Hampton, PC '98United States Army First female combat pilot shot down and killed in United Stated military aviation historyFallujah, Iraq, January 2, 2004
In MemoryofMrs. Lillian G. BrownLoving AuthorofBee-MailWorld War II