Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: columbia, sc

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In April 1786 Alexander Gillon, Henry Pendleton, Richard Winn, Richard Hampton, and Thomas Taylor, Commissioners appointed to lay out Columbia, are said to have met under an oak which grew near here. According to tradition the first court and jury…
Known as "Diamond Hill," which was burned by Union Troops during their invasion of Columbia, February 17, 1865, was located 125 feet due south of this spot.The stones in this monument formed part of the foundation of that home.
Men who served in theConfederate States Armyfrom the congregation ofThe First Presbyterian Church Columbia, South Carolina1861-1865Dedicated to those who diedin gratitude to those who served [List of 64 names]************Members of this Congregati…
Son ofAnnie Black and Edward H. LangBornTemple, Texas March 18, 1891DiedColumbia, SC July 9, 1974 Minister in the Presbyterian Church U.S overfifty years.Chaplain in World War I and II.First Chaplain in the Presbyterian Church U.S.to attain the…
(Front text) This school, built in 1923 at a cost of $2,500, is one of 500 African-American schools in S.C. funded in part by the Julius Rosenwald Foundation from 1917 to 1932. It is a two-room school typical of smaller Rosenwald schools. From 192…
Established after the Civil War, this public school for blacks was located at the NW corner of Hampton & Lincoln streets by 1869 and was partially supported by the Freedmen's Bureau. It is said the school was named for Oliver O. Howard, commission…
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori These trees were plantedin memory of the students and alumniof the University of South Carolinawho gave their livesfor their country and humanityon the Mexican Border and in the World War1916 -1918 [Emblem I…
This building is dedicated in loving memory toHenry Disbrow Phillips, D.D.1882 - 1955Rector of this parish 1922-1938Bishop of Southwestern Virginia 1938-1954 Founder and warden of La Grange settlement,La Grange Georgia an institution for theedu…
During Federal military occupation of South Carolina 1865-1877, this square was part of the parade ground used by United States troops. The barracks were located on this and adjacent squares.
In memory of the 2403 men who gave their lives in our military forces during the attack on Pearl Harbor and other military bases 7 December 1941 A tribute to all U.S. Military Personnel on this Day Of Infamy Dedicated 2 September 1995 by…
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