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You searched for City|State: commerce, tx

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Originally located in Cooper, East Texas Normal College moved to Commerce in 1894 following a devastating fire that destroyed the first and only campus building. The fire was one of many occurrences that prompted President Mayo to relocate th…
The events leading up to the incorporation of the city of Commerce can be traced to the 1853 establishment of Josiah H. Jackson's general store about one and one-half miles northeast of this site. The village that developed around his store was kn…
Organizer-commander of the famous "Flying Tigers" of the China-Burma-India theater in World War II. An outstanding air strategist, Chennault had retired from a pioneer flying career when, in 1937, he was asked by Gen. Chaing Kai-Shek to help China…
In 1893 the Missionary Baptist Church erected a sanctuary here on 5 acres they acquired from George Lawson in 1887. The church sold the property in 1912. In 1913 the Commerce Church of Christ acquired the property and in 1923 they modified and enl…
By 1883, the scholastic population of Commerce had outgrown the public school which opened ten years earlier. Land at this site, purchased by the Commerce Educational Assoc., was chosen for a new schoolhouse. The first building here, a two-story f…
The U. S. Treasury Department began construction of this building in July 1917, during the country's involvement in World War I. Completed in August 1918 after a number of construction delays, it served as the city's main post office facility unti…
Organized with nine charter members, this congregation began on Nov. 15, 1883, as the Missionary Baptist Church of Commerce. Services were held in a Union Church building until 1883, when the first sanctuary was built. As the congregation outgrew …
The first American Legion Post in Texas was established at Commerce in 1919, the same year the veterans organization was begun nationally. Inspired by the funeral of Private Albert A. Barrow, who had served in World War I, Dr. W. B. DeJernett dire…
A Tennessee native and former Arkansas legislator, William Jernigin (1819-80) came to Hunt County in 1856. A pioneer merchant in the nearby village of Cow Hill, he moved to this vicinity in 1872 and opened a mercantile store (1 blk. W). Two years …