You searched for City|State: cumberland, md
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One of the most picturesque spots around Cumberland, discovered by Spendelow after the road over Wills Mountain had been constructed by General Braddock. Adopted as the route of the Cumberland Road (The National Road) 1833. The old stone bridge ac…
At first, the National Road climbed west from Cumberland up and over Haystack Mountain. In the 1830s, when the road was rebuilt, a new route was chosen. It would be a mile longer but the grade was substantially decreased so that horse teams could …
A company of Confederates, young men from Cumberland, Maryland, Hampshire and Hardy Counties, West Virginia, captured several picket posts, obtained the countersign "Bulls Gap," rode into the city, captured two commanding Union Generals, Kelly and…
Toll houses were built along the National Road as a result of a 25 year national debate as to whether or not the federal government should be responsible for funding road improvements. While there was agreement on the idea that those who used the …
First toll gate house on the old National (Cumberland) Road. Erected about 1833 after this portion of the road was turned over to the State of Maryland by the United States government. There was one other toll gate in Maryland on this Road.
Wife of Lieut. John Frazier was captured by Indians near this spot in October 1755 and taken to the Miami River. She escaped after eighteen months and made her way back to her home.
After stunning victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia, early in May 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee carried the war through Maryland, across the Mason and Dixon Line and into Pennsylvania. His infantry marched north throug…
During the Civil War, thousands ofUnited States soldiers were stationedhere in Cumberland and AlleganyCounty to guard against raids andincursions by Confederate forces.Located only about 130 miles fromthe capital at Washington. D.C.,and a short ma…