You searched for City|State: frederick, md
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On April 23, 1755At a Tavern located near this spotGeneral Edward BraddockColonel George Washingtonand Benjamin FranklinMet to plan the Britishassault on Ft. DusquesneDuring the French & Indian WarThis plaque erected by the Kiwanis Club of Frederi…
112 West Church St.Has been placed on theNational RegisterOf Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior1814
The Legislature of MarylandMet HereIn Special Session————At this assembly a billregarded as equivalent to anordinance of secession fromthe Union was introducedbut failed of passage—————Erected …
In the year 1861 the legislature of Maryland, called into extraordinary session by Governor Thomas Holliday Hicks, held session in this building owned by the Evangelical Reformed Church (now the Evangelical and Reformed - United Churc…
Fresh from victory at the Second Battle of Manassas, Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia crossed the Potomac River on September 4-6, 1862, to bring the Civil War to Northern soil and to recruit sympathetic Marylanders. Union Gen. George…
In 1826, Jacob Engelbrecht moved to the house across the street near Carroll Creek. He began reporting on the National Road cavalcade that was going by his front door. His priceless diary recorded everything he saw. Travelers he observed included:…
As the Confederate army marched through Frederick on September 10, 1862, feisty local Unionists—mostly women—showed their defiance by waving the Stars and Stripes. The poet John Greenleaf Whittier immortalized one of them in "The Balla…
Friend of America and LibertyArrived at the bridge nearbyon his way to FrederickDecember 29, 1824——————Created by a delegation of citizensincluding the gallant Lawrence Everhartwho had come to escort him into th…
The stone demijohn and memorial plaque, placed by the Sons of the American Revolution, were originally located on a bridge crossing the Monocacy River about 2 miles east of this site. The stone bridge of four arches and two 65-foot spans was const…
In 1800, travelers expected to ford rivers or use ferries that were slow and often risky in bad weather. The Baltimore and Frederick-Town Turnpike Company, building the first leg of the National Road in 1805, set out to revolutionize American road…