You searched for City|State: green bay, wi
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has an extraordinary rich history in Green Bay, as it was home to a fur trader, schoolmaster, judgeand missionary.
In 1803, a French Canadian fur trader by the name of Joseph Roi built the small cottage along thewest bank of the Fox River direc…
The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad?later known as the Milwaukee Road came to Green Bay in 1873.
This depot was built in 1898 and was the only passenger depot located on the east side of the river. It served as a passenger depot from 1…
and geographic location is everything. The sparkling waters of Green Bay and sweeping rivers feeding into ithave attracted numerous industries over the past few hundred years. The French fur-trading empire of theearly 1700s gave way to harvesting …
is a vital part of our local economy, our history and our lives. It plays an important role in the transportation of goods and commodities that are critical to the economic health of the region. The Port of Green Bay receives and/or sends commodit…
as well as Fort Crawford at Prairie du Chien, was built following the War of 1812 to establish a U.S. presence in the Wisconsin territory and strategically cut off British access to trade routes. The forts were also used to construct Wisconsin's m…
to many people for thousands of years before the first Europeans arrived. The rich waters of the bay attracted a number of American Indian Tribes - all members of a large and complex trading network stretching throughout North America.
Green Ba…
in Wisconsin's transportation system is the Port of Green Bay. It serves as a multi-modal distribution center connecting waterborne vessels with an extensive network of highways and railroads. The Port of Green Bay provides Northeast Wisconsin man…
Dedicated To The Memory of thebrave men ofBrown Countywho fought to preserve the union.Erected by theWoman's Relief CorpsNo.91.Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic1934
The World Trade Center - American Airlines Flight 11 - American Airlines Flight 175 - United Airlines Flight 93 - United Airlines Flight 77 - The Pentagon
Wisconsin's LostKevin F. ClearyRamzi A. DoanyAndrea L. HabermanJohn P. HartLt. Col. Denni…
Alexis De TocquevilleThe 25 year-old French aristocratand author of Democracy In Americavisited this areaduring his 1831 - 1832 tour of AmericaPlaced by C-Span and the cable television industrywhile retracing the tour in 1997 - 1998