You searched for City|State: guernsey, wy
Showing results 1 to 10 of 27
Called Bitter Cottonwood Creek because of the groves of cottonwood trees growing there, this location was a welcome relief for emigrant pioneers as they traveled along the relatively treeless road to the west in the 1840s, 50s, & 60s. Many pioneer…
Marked by the
State of Wyoming
At this point the Oregon Trail crossed.
Pointed out by the sight, Burlington-Northern tracks are in close view. That railroad's forerunner, the Burlington and Missouri, laid rails up the North Platte Valley in 1900. With a view to eventually reaching the Pacific, the company surveyed be…
This sight points to the Guernsey Pipeline Station, jointly owned by the Platte Pipeline Company, the American Oil Company and the Continental Oil Company. Most of the structures under view were built in 1952 although, owing to the river's favorab…
In 1739 the brothers Pierre and Paul Mallet, earliest explorers along this river's lower course, named it after the French word for flat. Although the sighting tube aims at a wide, strong-flowing current, the North Platte is not navigable.It is un…
Register Cliff stands in plain view after it is singled out by the sighting device. This natural landmark, enrolled in the National Register of Historic Places, is a developed area with parking and rest facilities, foot trails and informative sign…
A monument marking Sand Point appears as a white dot in the center of the sight. Sand deposits caused by currents at a bend in the river evidently gave the site its name. The surrounding meadows have been favorite campsites since prehistoric time.…
The sight points to Laramie Peak, altitude 10,247 feet, the highest elevation in the Laramie Range. These mountains were originally called the Black Hills, a name derived from the dark appearance of their evergreen forests as noted from far to the…
The sight centers on the headquarters buildings of the Guernsey-Frederick Ranch. That these building stand almost in the shadow of Register Cliff is symbolic of the valley's heritage. Here, history emphasizes the Oregon Trail; such other epochs as…