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General John Stark with New Hampshire Vermont and Massachusetts militia defeated and captured an expeditionary force sent by General Burgoyne and commanded by Colonel Baum. This was one of the first decisive victories in the War of the Revolution.
In grateful memorythis avenue of trees is dedicatedto all the brave men ofThe Town of Hoosickwho served with the victorious forces ofthe United Statesin the Second World War1941 - 1945.On this tablet are inscribedthe names of those whocalled from …
Grandma MosesWho Won World Fame at 80After Her Paintings WereDiscovered In This VillageIs Buried Here In TheMaple Grove Cemetery.
At this point occurred the defeat of ColonelBreyman, who commanded a force of 600 men sentby General Burgoyne to reinforce Colonel Baum. Colonel Seth Warner and his regiment of VermontRangers "Green Mountain Boys" distinguishedthemselves in this a…
General John Stark with New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts Militia defeated and captured an expeditionary force sent by General Burgoyne and commanded by Colonel Baum. This was one of the first decisive victories in the War of the Revolution.