Historical Marker Search

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In the early 1800s, Fort Ross was a thriving international community on the edge of the Spanish frontier. In 1812, the Russian-American Company (RAC) built Fort Ross at Metini, a centuries-old Kashaya village. The Fort had two purposes. The first …
Russians built California's first windmill at Fort Ross in 1814. The mill ground grain into flour for bread to feed both Settlement Ross and the Russians' Alaskan settlements. While the original structure no longer exists, the historical record ca…
site of the Russian Shipways This map of Fort Ross dated 1817 shows "Little Rumiantsev Cove" as well as the galiot Rumiantsev., the first ship built on the California coast. Also in the cove area were a number of buildings including a for…
The Russian-American Company grew crops and raised animals at Fort Ross to provide food for their Alaskan Colonies. In 1841, there were two windmills at Fort Ross. Grains, such as wheat, and barley, were ground into flour using millstones. The…
The key to the defense of early frontier forts was the blockhouse. It was from the blockhouse that an attacker could be put under a deadly barrage. In the event that the stockade wall was breached, the defenders could retire to the blockhouse for …
Most of the inhabitants of Settlement Ross resided outside the fort; only Russian-American Company officials and visitors lived inside. Everyone in the vicinity of Fort Ross worked for the company. Lower-ranking Russian and Creole employees establ…
Across the gulch to the east, a large Russian Orthodox cross marks the site of the settlement's cemetery. In 1990 the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and California State Parks conducted an archaeological investigation of the historic Russian …
This chapel was a part of the settlement founded by the Russians in 1812 and known as Fort Ross. The fort was in the form of a quadrangle, about 300 feet square, inclosed by a redwood wall, with two blockhouses at opposite corners. Fort Ross conta…
Founded 1812 by Russians from Sitka. When Russians withdrew to Alaska, 1841, Captain Sutter bought the improvements and supplies. Acquired by State in 1906 and remaining buildings restored - Greek Orthodox Chapel, Commandants Quarters and Stockade…
Sandy Beach Cover lies below the fort. The principal port of the settlement was 19 miles to the south at Port Rumiantsev (Bodega Bay), where there was a deep-water anchorage and a warehouse. Russian Navy and Russian-American Company ships frequent…