You searched for City|State: maryville, tn
Showing results 1 to 10 of 19
Three miles south is the school-house built in 1796 by Andrew Kennedy and Henry McCulloch for their children. Sam Houston taught here in 1811 or 1812. He later became Governor of Tennessee, Commander-in-Chief of the Texas Army, President of the Re…
Four separate plaques. (Text of each plaque under the photos below.)
Dedicated with great affection and esteem by former students to the memory of Professor Charles William ("Bill Joe") Henry (1878-1935) and Mrs. Leola Landon Henry (1884-1966). Married January 1904. Founders and operators of Maryville Polytechnic S…
One mile south, near a large spring, Robert McTeer built a fort and mill in 1784. A branch of the Great War and Trading Path pass nearby. Reportedly, the first school in what later became Blount County was held here; it was also the first polling …
Stockade enclosing about two acres extending southwest to large spring at base of bluff. Scene of many privations, perils and heroic encounters.
During the antebellum period, Blount County supported abolitionism. In 1822, local Quakers and other residents formed an abolitionist society, and in the decades following, local clergymen preached against the evils of slavery. When the county con…
A three-story brick building was erected 1872-74 on this site to train blacks as teachers. Institute was begun in 1867, in a log house ½ mile north, and later moved into a new building, financed mainly by friends. By 1879, it had trained 80 t…
William B. Scott, Sr., a free Black, migrated to East Tennessee in 1847 after increased racial tension in North Carolina. He made harnesses and saddles in Blount County's Quaker community of Friendsville until the Civil War. In Knoxville, during t…
Site of the original settlement of Maryville. Here Captain John Craig in 1785 erected a fort on Pistol Creek to protect settlers from Indian raids. In 1793 as many as 280 men, women, and children lived within its walls for several months, survivin…
7 ½ mi. S, this resort was termed the Saratoga of the South in stagecoach days. First advertized in 1832; Daniel Foute, built a log hotel there in 1837. In 1853, Asa Watson, of Mississippi, built the Seven Gable Hotel. Sidney Lanier spent muc…