Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: mechanicsburg, oh

Showing results 1 to 10 of 13
The W. Pearl King Prairie Savanna is a mostly undisturbed remnant of the once expansive Darby Plains Prairies. Prior to European settlement more than two centuries ago, the Darby Plains covered an area of more than 380 square miles west of Columbu…
We sincerely thank the Pleasant Township Veterans past, present and future for their courage and devotion to duty and immeasurable sacrifice
Pike Township Veterans Memorial in memory of Louis A. Guy March 2006
(south side) Gettysburg (above) 1861- 1865 erected by the Ladies Memorial Association Mechanicsburg, in honor of the brave men whose valor saved the Union. (west side)(Shiloh above) Our country's defenders may their example speak t…
Memorial to Spanish American War Veterans Spain, Phillipine Islands, China Expedition 1898 - 1902
(south side) Dedicated to those who gave their lives in the World War by the Donald Cannon Post No. 238 of the American Legion (north side) Erected in memory of the Veterans of the World War 1917 . 1918 by the Citizens of Mechani…
(Side A) Presented to the Town Council of Mechanicsburg by Co. B 32 Regt. O.V.I. (Side B) Vicksburg July 4 1863
first plaque- Center of Intersection Site of World War I Veterans Memorial 1919 - 1934 plaque placed by Donald Cannon Post 238 of the American Legion
Joseph E. Wing was one of the first persons to identify, promote, and grow alfalfa as a forage crop east of the Mississippi River. He developed his interest in alfalfa while in Utah, where he worked on a cattle ranch. When he returned, Wing began …
Side A:Congress passed Fugitive Slave Laws in 1793 and 1850, allowing federal marshals to arrest slaves that had escaped to the North and take them back to their southern owners. They could also arrest northerners suspected of aiding runaway slave…