Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: nazareth, pa

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
This industry was born in the Lehigh Valley. David O. Saylor first made portland cement at Coplay in 1871. Here also was the first use of the rotary kiln process commercially Nov. 8, 1889. This region has continued to lead in the industry
Begun in 1740 at request of Methodist missionary Reverend George Whitefield as a school for Negroes. Completed by the Moravians in 1743. Served as a communal church-home for 32 newly married German couples brought over in 1744.
Whitefield House, planned by George Whitefield in 1740 when he obtained 5,000 acres of land for a Negro school and began by Peter Boehler and several Brethern. Purchased by the Moravians, 1741. Completed for a family house, 1743. Converted into a …
Founder in 1833 of C.F. Martin & Co. (The Martin Guitar Company), one of the world's oldest musical instrument manufacturers. Its innovations in acoustic guitar design— including the x-braced flat-top guitar and Dreadnought guitar— wer…
Here rifles and other firearms were made for use in the War of 1812. Built by William Henry, 2nd, about 1800, the famous Henry shotgun was made here as late as 1904. The site is about half a mile away.
Moravian settlers arrived here in 1740 from a failing colony in Georgia. Bishop August B. Spangenberg led an experiment in communal living, called the "Great Economy," 1745-1765. It was designed to support Christian missionaries to the Indians.