You searched for City|State: odessa, tx
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Equipment that replaced the spring pole drilling method used in America's earlier oil fields. The Cable Tool Rig used a bit suspended on a steel drilling cable. The bit is dropped in the hole and the impact breaks up the formation. The broken piec…
Formed Trebol Oil, 1940; As operating partner drilled 52 producing wells in McCamey region before hitting first dry hole. With partner acquired Odessa Gasoline plant, founded gas gathering system, drilled discovery wells in Upton County, brought p…
Worked as roughneck, oilfield salesman before founding Rodman Supply of Odessa, 1935. Opened stores throughout Permian Basin. Legendary wildcatter completed hundreds of producing wells during 40-year career. With partners founded refineries, gas g…
Founder of Pinkie's Inc., which at its peak was Texas' largest chain of retail liquor stores. Established first store in Sweetwater after repeal of prohibition. Initial Odessa site followed in 1938 at 312 E. 2nd Street. Expanded to 26 locations in…
One of the two richest oil fields in the world. Discovery began in 1920 at a Mitchell County Well. Next came the 1923 Big Lake Strike, then the wild 1925 boom in Upton County, followed by production in Andrews, Crane, Ector, Martin, Midland, Pecos…
Built in 1916 at Grant and Pearl Streets by pioneer drug store owner and postmaster W.T. Henderson, Sr. (1886-1960) and his wife Burmah Adele Lambert (1887-1964). In 1925 the house was moved to this address in the first neighborhood developed nort…
Originator, promoter of the Globe of the Great Southwest, world's most nearly authentic replica of the Globe theater in England made famous by the plays of William Shakespeare.
Mrs. Morris was educated at North Texas State University and joined…
Established through efforts of Odessa Townsite Co., which gave $12,000; a northern Methodist group matched this fund in 1888.
Rev. M. A. Daugherty, Pittsburgh, Pa., was placed in charge, and a 20-acre plot was alloted to the college. Erection o…
Frontier business of S.T. (Tol) and E.F. (Lish) Dawson, brothers. Lish Dawson, 1891-92 Sheriff of Ector County, had a barber chair in the Saloon, and helped tend bar. Liquor was in 40-gallon barrels. Ice for drinks was hauled from Great Lakes by T…
True plains rabbit. Lives only in the west. Burro-like ears gave him his name. Color is protective, blending with sand and dry grass. Very long legs make him a swift runner, clocked at speeds to 45 miles and hour. Object of hunts with Greyhounds.