You searched for City|State: rock hill, sc
Showing results 1 to 10 of 41
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Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company
The Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company, a division of M. Lowenstein & Sons, of New York, went into operation at this site during the last quarter of 1929. The first general manager was Ar…
Having crossed the Catawba at Nation Ford, April 27, 1865, the President of the Confederacy fled south along this road following the fall of Richmond. He was accompanied by the remaining members of his cabinet and a detachment of cavalry under Gen…
[West side]Remembering how they resisted oppression and injustice, defended truth and the right, fought for their native land, enduring hardship and sacrifice. We assume the sacred trust of perpetuating their memory with love and devotion.Comrades…
This former farming community grew up around Ebenezer Presbyterian Church which had been organized by 1785. Here was located the famed Ebenezer Academy often called "The Athens of York." The first post office was established as Ebenezer Academy in…
[Left Top]:This Chapel of the Columbia TheologicalSeminary, at Columbia, South Carolina,was occupied by the Winthrop TrainingSchool as a classroom for one year.1886-1887.The Winthrop Training School was organ-ized in 1886 by D.B. Johnson, superint…
[Front]:The first services were in private homes and at Rock Hill Academy 1857-1861. The church was organized Easter 1870 with the Rev. Roberts P. Johnson as its first rector. Founders included the families of Col. Cadwallader Jones, Halcott Pride…
About 1 ½ miles south of here on Fishing Creek were a house and mill mentioned on a 1766 royal land grant to Hugh White. British Colonel Banastre Tarleton and his Legion were encamped at White's Mill for several days in September 1780, during…
Clinton Junior College, affiliated with the A.M.E. Zion Church, was founded in 1894 by Revs. Nero Crockett and W.M. Robinson as Clinton Institute. Named for Bishop Isom C. Clinton, it featured primary and secondary courses as well as a two-year co…
[Front]:This school, founded in 1920, was the first public school for blacks in Rock Hill. Named for Emmett J. Scott (1873-1957), a prominent educator who was then secretary of Howard University, Emmett Scott School included all twelve grades unti…
[Front]:St. Anne's Church, the first Catholic church in York County, was founded in 1919 by the Rev. William A. Tobin of Columbia. The first building, erected on Saluda Street in 1920, closed in 1961. St. Anne's opened its first parochial school i…