You searched for City|State: suffolk, va
Showing results 1 to 10 of 55
Established in 1642
One of the oldest in the U.S.
Site of insurrection in 1775, leading to
the Revolutionary War
Marked by Suffolk Chapter
National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century
Suffolk. The first to honor Franklin D. Roosevelt with President's Days April 29-30, 1933.
George Fox. Founder of Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) visited in this area and held a meeting in 1672. As a result Somerton Friends Meeting was soon established.
George Fox founder of the Religious Society of Friends also known as Quakers passed through this community in 1672 holding the first local meeting of Friends in a field located approximately 1.5 miles east of this location at what is today the vic…
George Fox, founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), visited this area in 1672 during a missionary journey to Virginia and North Carolina. His visit encouraged Friends who had settled nearby and led to the organization of Somerton Fr…
Restored in 2007 by the Nansemond River Garden Club, this circa late 19th century fountain was utilitarian. Originally it was fed by a shallow well. Water was drawn by a foot pump and rainwater helped fill the basin. The fountain was used to water…
Not for fame or fortune. Not for place or rank. Not lured by ambition or goaded by necessity. But in simple obedience to duty as they understood it. These men suffered all. Sacrificed all. Dared all. And died. The Reverend Doctor Randolph McKim
1861 ~ 1865
More than 1,500 men and boys from Suffolk and Nansemond County left their homes and families in defense of constitutional liberty and states right to face overwhelming odds. Many paid the ultimate price; all endured hardships and suff…
(front) Confederate Dead
Erected by Thos W. Smith in memory of his comrades.
(side) This shaft on which we carve no name, shall guide Virginia's youth - a sign-post on the road to fame, to honor and to truth.
A silent sentry, it shall sta…
In memory of
The United Spanish War Veterans
Suffolk and Nansemond County
(inner circle)
Spanish War Veterans. 1898 - 1902
(outer cross))
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