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Page 8 of 166 — Showing results 71 to 80 of 1659
The Refectory. . The Refectory. The monastic refectory or dining hall occupied the south range of the cloister. The main meal was eaten in the middle of the day. Monks entered the dining hall after washing their hands in a lavatorium or wash-…
The Dormitory. . The Dormitory. This huge room was the dormitory, or dorter, where the monks slept. It dates to the 13th century and was originally a single open space without any heating. Monks slept communally and their single beds were arrang…
East Range of Cloister. . East Range of Cloister This was extensively rebuilt in the 13th century. The first floor was the monk's dormitory. The doorway above led to a day-stair to the cloister. .
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The Afternoon Assaults: Norman Trick Tactics. . The Afternoon Assaults: Norman Trick Tactics. During the afternoon the Normans weaken the English line by adopting a new tactic. It is now clear that the English are not going to be easily defe…
Westfield War Memorial. . In Grateful Memory of the Men of Westfield Whose Names Are Recorded Below Who Gave Their Lives in the Great War 1914 - 1918. Herbert Henry Baker · Albert Ball · Lewis Crampton Barden · Will…
Wittersham War Memorial. . 1914 1919 To Those Who Died For Us. H.C. Batehup Linc. Regt · S.C. Dengate R. Irish · H.T. Slingsby The Buffs · R.T. Carter M.C. R.G.A. · G.J. Nash R.A.S.C. · L.L.…
Wittersham Women's Institute. . This Sign Was Presented To the Village October 14th 1978 To Commemorate Wittersham Women's Institute Golden Jubilee The Triangle Was Taken Over Improved and Is Maintained by the Parish Council.
Violet Rosa Carruthers. . In grateful memory of Violet Rosa Carruthers (Violet Markham) Companion of Honour 1872 — 1959 who planted and endowed this garden The Friends of the Green.
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Dairy and Icehouse. . Dairy and Icehouse. The dairy and icehouse were part of the abbey's later life as a country estate. They were probably constructed by Sir Godfrey Webster around 1818 for his new wife. The octagonal dairy (left), in the f…
Rebuilding the Abbey Church. . Rebuilding the Abbey Church . The most important part of an abbey church was its eastern end — here were the altars and the choir where the monks worshipped. The most ambitious part of the 13th-century mod…