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Vestal Hotel. 1903 C. One of the few original hotel buildings of this era still standing in North Carolina
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Since before 1776 religious services have been held on this site. In 1815 several residents here bought property, organized a church and began holding regular services open to all. The new church soon joined with the Christian denomination of the …
Was located 150 yards north-east of this marker. Built by community effort and without public funds. This school was dedicated to thoroughness in all subjects taught, and to the building of character as fundamental for the growth of the student.
1693 acre grain plantation founded by Michael Holt III (1778-1842). Birthplace of E.M. Holt (1807-1884), a founder of the southern textile industry and developer of "Alamance Plaid" fabrics. Dr. William Rainey Holt (1798-1868), noted "scientific a…
Oak Grove (ca. 1790-1910) was a 1,693-acre grain farm owned by the Holt family. The Holts were pioneers in the southern textile industry and developers of "Alamance Plaid" fabrics. While textiles made the Holts one of the wealthiest families in No…
An early pioneer, leader and landowner, Michael Holt II was the son of Michael Holt I who had moved to this area in he 1750s. He is buried nearby with his two wives, "Peggy" O'Neal and Jean Lockhart. He had ten children who became the ancestors of…
Orange County sheriff in War of Regulation, 1770-1771; brigadier general, N.C. militia, 1777-84. Lived ? mi. N.
Of log construction, used for worship and school, stood here. Deed for land recorded in 1834 states it adjoins old Mt. Hermon tract, which signifies a place of worship existed prior to this date. Feb. 27, 1834 annual Methodist Protestant Conferenc…
This site and "meeting house" was the area birthplace of a new country in pre-revolutionary meetings, a new county (Alamance), a new county seat (Graham), an early public library, a courthouse, a school to college presidents and a governor, and a …
When North Carolina passed laws in 1833 to restrict the rights of free blacks; they also limited the rights of Indians. In old Orange (later Alamance) County, many Occaneechi Indians including Dixon Corn, Jesse Jeffries, Enoch Jones, and Andrew Je…