Historical Marker Search

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Sternwheeler traffic on the Columbia River reached a fevered-pitch with the completion of Cascade Locks in 1896. Steam-powered paddlewheelers provided a vital link between The Dalles and Portland. The trip averaged six hours on a good day, and …
High in the tower, the school bell rang, resonating across the grounds. Sixteen school kids grabbed their lunch pails and headed with their teacher, Miss Graham, into the 1893 Crapper School. As the community grew, the students outnumbered Crap…
Gale-force winds bedeviled explorers and emigrants alike in the Columbia River Gorge. Journals from the 1800s depict travel as treacherous through this singular passage in the Cascade Range where 60 mile-per-hour gusts are common. By the 1…
Although steel has been made for centuries, it wasn't until the Bessemer process was introduced in the 1870s that it could be produced in quantity. The Bridge of the Gods mural is the creation of Larry Kangas, of Beaverton, Oregon. Commiss…
First Road built over Cascade Range in 1845-1846 by Samuel K. Barlow (1792-1867) an Oregon Pioneer from Kentucky Wamic — Miles 32 Dalles California Highway — Miles 38 Maupin — Miles 48
The building at this location served as a schoolhouse for pioneer settlers who came to Hood River Valley in the early 1900's. Originally built as a one room log schoolhouse the building was located at a popular Indian camping site on the trail ove…
Constructed in 1907 under the management of J.M. Culbertson, the Hood River Banking and Trust Company represents one of the older brick buildings in downtown Hood River. Decorative features include the sheet metal cornice, arched windows with lead…
Designed to house several businesses, the E.L. Smith Building was constructed in 1904 for $10,000. The First National Bank, organized by entrepreneur and regional politician Ezra L. Smith in 1900, occupied the main storefront from 1904 to 1910 unt…
Leslie and Truman Butler commissioned well-known Portland architect A.E. Doyle to design a bank of the Butler Banking Company, the business they founded in 1900. The Egyptian style building was completed in September 1924, and the grand opening at…
Built in 1914, the original tenant of the building was the Garrabrant and Parker's Confectionary Store. Candy and cigars were sold in the store, and people often sat for hours at the popular soda foundation (sic). A game of billiards could be play…