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This boulder erected November 12, 1932 by Court San Diego de Alcalá, No. 1099 of the Catholic Daughters of America, to commemorate the first Holy Mass celebrated in California, November 12, 1602 upon the arrival on this site of Sebastián Vizcaí…
President Millard Fillmore's executive order of 1852 created a U. S. Preserve on Point Loma. From 1870 to 1873 the coast artillery corpsmen evicted whalers from the site in order to begin the military installation. In 1899 it was named for William…
Commemorating the visit of the officers and men Buque Escuela Juan Sebastian De Elcano in homage to their comrades-at-arms who at this place raised and defended the flag of Spain - 1797 to 1821 Dedicado en pax y amistad San Diego, California, …
Seeking the mythical Strait of Anián (the Northwest Passage) for Spain, on September 28, 1542, Iberian navigator Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo brought his three ships to Ballast Point, the first European landing on the coast of Alta California. Calif…
Late in 1857, the three Johnson brothers and the twin Packard brothers came to this site to survey possibilities for a station to "try out" or extract whale oil. Their operations began the next year. In 1869 the U.S. Government acquired the proper…
An outpost of Spain's far flung empire at its greatest extent, this fort was completed before 1800 from plans drawn by Alberto de Córdoba in 1795. Its major action came under Corporal José Velásquez on March 22, 1803, in the "Battle of Sa…
Livestock has always been the major land use at Daley Ranch. Besides cattle, for dairying and beef, the Daley's would raise horses. Some were specialty breeds, like the Hamiltonians used for pulling carts in a racing walk. When the automobile beca…
In 1881, George Marston located his third department store in this two-story Victorian Italian-style building. It remained here until 1896 when it was relocated to a larger building. Until the 1970s, Marston was the largest and most successful San…
With the vision of universal freedom for all mankind. This tree is dedicated to the hostages in Iran. Taken captive 11-4-79 Released January. 20. 1981
Established in 1862 by George Alonzo Johnson. The residence and later additions were used as a hotel, bunkhouse, and quarters for a working cattle ranch into the 1960's. Acquired by the County of San Diego in 1974, added to the National Register o…
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