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Page 9 of 10380 — Showing results 81 to 90 of 103795
James Collinsworth. . . (Front) . Born in Tennessee, 1806. Drowned . in Galveston, July 11, 1839, and . his remains brought by boat up . Buffalo Bayou to Houston . His remains interred in this . cemetery under the auspices of . Temple Lod…
John R. Reid. . . Associate Justice of the . Supreme Court, 1839. A . member of the Congress . of the Republic, 1840-1841. . Died in Houston, December 25 . 1841, and was buried under . the auspices of Holland . (Masonic) Lodge No. 1
Shelter From the Storm. . With threatening weather overhead, the Donners quickly set up camp. Crowded into inadequate shelters, these desperate people watched it snow. . As the snow got deeper, it wiped out all hope of leaving before spring. . …
John Kirby Allen. . . (Front) . Born in Canasareaugh, New York . 1810. Came to Texas in 1832. . Died in Houston August 18, 1838 . . (Rear) . John K. Allen was a member of . the first Congress of the . Republic (1836-1837) from Nacog- . …
George Allen. (April 12, 1812 - June 5, 1854). Texas War for Independence soldier; served also in Somervell Expedition against aggressors in Republic of Texas. . . Born in New York state. Came to Texas in 1830s. Settled 1838 in Houston, to help…
Donner Camp Tree. . Near this spot stood the tree which marked what was believed to be the campsite of the family of George Donner in the winter of 1846. The tree stood for 150 years (missing) the Donner families camped in Alder Creek before it su…
Virginia State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs. . This house was the last headquarters of the Virginia State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, organized In 1907 by educator and social reformer Janie Porter Barrett and other women who att…
Placed in Memory of Those Men and Women. . Placed in Memory of Those Men and Women, Living or Dead, Who, Since These United States, Were Settled, Have Fought to Preserve Our Great Heritage of Freedom. By the Grateful Citizens of East Concord. 196…
The Mohawk Valley. A Historical Significance Second to None. . By the Numbers . 5,900 Square Miles . Six thriving Counties . More Than 500,000 Residents . . Homeland of the Iroquois . For centuries, the ancestral homeland of the Native Ame…
Eastman. . Erected By The Eastman Association In Memory of Captain Ebenezer Eastman First Settler of Concord 1727 1924
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