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On 17 Dec. 1785, George Washington endowed a school here in the recently established Alexandria Academy "for the purpose of educating orphan children." In 1812, an association of free African Americans founded its own school here in space vacated …
This bridgeon thestate roadfromGreenville to Ashevillewas builtin1820byAbram Landing,Acting Commissioner,Board of Public Works.Joel R. Poinsett, President.
On this spot stood the Wesleyan ChapelWhere the First Woman's Rights Convention in the World's history was heldJuly 19 and 20 1848———————Elizabeth Cady StantonMoved this resolutionWhich was seconded by Fre…
Erected by a grateful people to commemorate the services and sacrifices of the soldiers and sailors in the War of the Rebellion. Right of Monument:Malvern Hill, Salem Heights, Petersburg, Crampton Pass, Spottsylvania, Roanoke Island, Cold Harbo…
By his faith in God and man he built our nationErected in 1932 by the New York State Commission for the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth ofGeorge WashingtonHon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Governor Hon. Herbert H. Lehman, Lieut…
Organized in 1835, the LaGrange and Memphis Railroad operated the first train from Memphis 4 1/2 miles on March 29, 1842, on the present roadbed of the Southern Railway. The depot which was destroyed by fire February 1, 1853 was located here. The …
Enlisted by Meriwether Lewis as a private in the Lewis & Clark Expedition, 1803 - 1806; selected as a Sergeant in August, 1804. His carpentry and soldiering skills earned written commendation from Lewis. Gass later published his diaries of the Exp…
Name of grove selected by Gen. R.E. Lee for his headquarters, June 26-30, 1863. Here he issued the order for the concentration of troops near Gettysburg. Site of woods is just south of this point.
This church, the third building, stands on the site of a log church built in 1780 by the Lutheran and Reformed and used jointly by the congregations till 1808. The land was granted by Benjamin Chambers.
Recognized as the inventor of the first sleeping car in U.S. for use of travelers. The car, "Chambersburg", was operated as early as 1838 between Harrisburg and Chambersburg. He lies buried in graveyard at rear of church.