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Page 9732 of 10380 — Showing results 97311 to 97320 of 103795
Site of Block House Built 1781Used by inhabitantsduring Indian raids
In this machine shop, in 1908, Otto Zachow and William Besserdich developed and built the first successful four-wheel drive automobile. Their first car, the "Battleship", soon proved that it "could go anywhere a team of horses could go" and led to…
Settled 1734 by Benjamin Chambers, who laid out "Chambers Town" in 1764. Seat of Franklin County since 1784. Scene of Civil War events: Raided by "Jeb" Stuart, 1862; occupied by Confederates in 1863; and burned by them in 1864.
Heroine of the Revolution; born Nov. 12, 1751, near Rocky Spring, 1 1/2 miles to NW. Accompanied her husband to war. Manned a cannon, Fort Washington, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1776, when he was killed. She was wounded, pensioned, and assigned to Invalid Reg…
Founded in 1869, and named for Sarah Wilson, its benefactor. One of the oldest colleges for women in the U.S. Opened, 1870, in "Norland", former home of Col. A.K. McClure, close friend of Abraham Lincoln.
Boarded in this house for a while in the summer of 1859 under the name of "Smith". While in Chambersburg, he secretly received firearms and ammunition. Later in 1859k Brown led a raid on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry.
Delany was an influential abolitionist, civil rights activist, Army officer, and prominent physician. The son of an enslaved father and free mother received his education in Chambersburg. He went on to publish and anti-slavery newspaper, "The Myst…
A two-story stone house occupied as a tavern by William Morrow stood on this site. George Washington, with staff, lodged here, Oct. 12, 1794, when traveling west to review troops assembled at Bedford to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion.
On 10 October 1863 Confederate cavalry cormmanded by Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart engaged Unioncavalry and infantry under Brig. Gen. H. JudsonKilpatrick and Maj. Gen. William H. French atJames City (present-day Leon). The two forcesconfronted each othe…
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park. The canal and towpath are dedicated to Justice William O. Douglas of White Ferry.