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This tree planted inmemory ofGeorge Washingtonby theChinkchewunska Chapter D.A.R.1932
Fresh from the victory at the Second Battle of ManassasGeneral Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia crossed the Potomac River on September 1-6, 1862,to bring the Civil War to Northern soil and to recruit sympathetic Marylanders. Union Gen. Ge…
To commemoratethe establishment of Sussex Countyby Act of the Legislature, June 8, 1753. To Commemorate the setting up ofthe Court of General Sessions and theInferior Court of Common Pleas bydecree of Governor Jonathan Belcherin the name of Kin…
To the Martyrs who fell and the heroes who foughtin defense of Liberty and the Union. 1861-1865 ( Right Side )"Liberty and Union now and forever one and inseparable." ( Back Side )"The Union it must and shall be preserved." ( Left Side )"…
Statesman · Diplomat · NaturalistFounder, National Institution for the Promotion of Science, forerunner of the Smithsonian Institution · First United States Minister to Mexico · · United States Secretary of Wa…
Named Battery Meigs, these two pits contained eight large 12-inch mortars. Each huge mortar was capable of hurling a 700-pound projectile in a high arc. The simultaneous firing of all eight would insure a clustered group of shells falling on the d…
The Courthouse Yard was a central part of landowner Jonathan Hampton's Town Plot in 1762. It was used for political meetings, corporal punishment, militia trainings, public entertainments, and a common pasture. Until 1858 voters in township electi…
(Left Panel):Three pair of these large 10-inch caliber disappearing guns were the key feature of the 1890s river defense system. Each weapon could direct its 650-pound projectile at enemy ships within a seven-mile range. Battery Humphries is one o…
Law office built and used at various periods of his later life by Sam Houston: Soldier, Statesman, Master Mason.
Remnants of former gun emplacements are the reminders of the three generations of armaments that occupied this V-shaped Water Battery. Each generation reflects the latest technologies and precision in the manufacture of armaments. 1830 - The f…