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Built near this site in 1807 by Manuel Lisa, trader and indian commissioner, through whose influence the Omaha, Pawnee, Ponca, Otoe and Sioux tribes remained loyal to the United States during the War of 1812.
Built by and for Christopher Billopp about 1680, this house was long a center of colonial hospitality. It is known also as "Conference House" because Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Edward Rutledge met here with Lord Howe at his request on Septe…
Civilization came to the west bank of the Missouri with establishment of Fort Atkinson in 1820 about a half mile southeast of here. Named after its founder, General Henry Atkinson, this western-most Fort protected the frontier's developing commerc…
In the predawn darkness of 3 Oct. 1864, Capt. John Hanson McNeill led thirty of his Partisan Rangers, including local resident Joseph I. Triplett, against a hundred-man detachment of the 8th Ohio Cavalry Regiment that was guarding the Meems Bottom…
< Lower Plaque: >Long known as"The Billopp House" built before 1700In this house on September 11, 1776 after the Battle of Long Island a Peace Conference was held between Lord Howe, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Edward Rutledge. —&mdash…
Built by the colonial proprietors of East Jersey in 1762, with bricks which were brought from England. Occupied first by Frederick Smyth, Chief Justice of the colony. Then, in 1774, by William Franklin, who was appointed Governor by the Crown. …
On July 30 the explorers arrived at the bluff where Fort Atkinson would be built less than two decades later. Clark wrote, "The Situation of this place which we Call Council Bluff which is handsom ellevated a Spot well Calculated... for a fort to …
At the camp established very near here Captain Clark wrote about the "butifull Breeze from the N W. this evening which would have been verry agreeable, had the Misquiters been tolerably Pacifick, but thy were rageing all night." Clark may have exa…
In tribute to all those who, casting away the shackles of servitude and the humiliation of bondage, accepted the sweet yoke of Christ and the light burden of his teachings in the Holy Catholic Church founded by Jesus upon Simon Peter the Apostle, …
World War - IOrel A. Smith, Born 1898, 32nd Co. 6th Marine Vol., Killed In Action, Nov. 2, 1918 · Lieut. W. E. G. Cooper, Born March 29, 1888, Killed In Action at Chateau Thierry, July 20, 1918 · Claude L. Wilkinson, Born June 9, 189…