Lewis and Clark Campsite

Lewis and Clark Campsite (HM4X7)

Location: Omaha, NE 68112 Douglas County
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N 41° 21.513', W 95° 57.106'

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July 27, 1804

At the camp established very near here Captain Clark wrote about the "butifull Breeze from the N W. this evening which would have been verry agreeable, had the Misquiters been tolerably Pacifick, but thy were rageing all night." Clark may have exaggerated when he noted that the mosquitoes were as big as house flies. They would continue to plague the explorers until winter. That evening Clark and Ruben Fields "walked on Shore with a View of examoning Som mounds." Although the mounds were probably natural features, Clark noted that the Oto Indians formerly lived there.

Lewis and Clark had been trying to contact Indians who lived in the area. On July 28 one of the hunters "brought in a Missouri Indian who resides with the Otteauz, this Indian & 2 others were Hunting in the Prarie their Camp is about 4 miles off." On August 3 the explorers met with the leaders of the Oto and Missouria tribes at a site they named "Council Bluff," near present Fort Calhoun, Nebraska.
HM NumberHM4X7
Series This marker is part of the Lewis & Clark Expedition series
Marker Number340
Placed ByNebraska State Historical Society, National Park Service
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, September 22nd, 2014 at 9:51am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15T E 253088 N 4582765
Decimal Degrees41.35855000, -95.95176667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 41° 21.513', W 95° 57.106'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds41° 21' 30.78" N, 95° 57' 6.36" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)402
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 8-10 Dodge Park Rd, Omaha NE 68112, US
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