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Col. James WilliamsHero of the battle ofKings Mountain1780Erected byDaniel Morgan Chapter D.A.R.1917
Married June 27th, 1874.Came to Gaffney in August, 1876.Merchant, Banker, President of Mills,Business Leader, Builder of Homes andHouses of Business, Philanthropist.This building was erected by A.N. Woodin 1881, being from the beginning Basement,S…
In the aftermath of the Civil War, numerous former slaves came to Fredericksburg where there was already an established free black community. Many freedmen took work as laborers and servants. Others brought artisan skills they had practiced in sla…
General George Washington and 2400 Continental soldiers crossed the icy Delaware River from Pennsylvania and landed at this spot on Christmas night 1776 on their way to attack the British mercenary force of Hessian soldiers at Trenton. The las…
In commemoration of the American Bison Society, founded in 1905 with the help of William T. Hornaday, the Director of the Bronx Zoo. Under Hornaday's leadership, the ABS' dedicated efforts helped restore bison to the prairies with animals from…
At this site before 1748, a ferry was first owned and operated by Garrett Johnson. It was used to transport the artillery from Pennsylvania to New Jersey the night Washington crossed the Delaware, December 25, 1776. At that time, it was operat…
General George Washington, after losing New York to the British, led his rebel army in retreat through New Jersey and on Sunday, December 8, 1776 crossed the Delaware River into Pennsylvania. He commandeered every available boat along the river so…
Erected 1857This monument commemorates theSeventy-fifth anniversary ofthe organization of Merced Countyand is dedicated to the memoryour pioneersbyYosemite Parlor No. 24, N.S.G.W. MercedMay 20, 1930
US VolunteersColonel 4th Cavalry U.S. Army Born Sep. 13, 1813 Killed in Battle at Spotsylvania May 9, 1864 While in command of the 6th Corps Army of the PotomacThe Sixth Army Corps in loving admiration of its commander dedicates this statue to …
Behind this monument rests the historic Tuolumne Gold Dredge which started operation at Patricksville, just east of this location, on June 15, 1938. A Walter Johnson No. 52 Model, it floated on a self-created pond of water. It was larger than a fo…