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Against all oddsIn 1961 he became the only player to hit more than 60 home runs in a single season. In belated recognition of one of baseball's greatest achievements his 61 in '61 the Yankees salute him as a great player and as author of one of th…
1946 - 1963 Yankee manager 1964, 1984 - 1985Elected to the Hall of Fame in 1972"It ain't over 'til it's over"Three time MVP 1951-54-55Selected to A.L. All-Star Game 15 consecutive yearsHit most Home Runs by a Yankee catcher Outstanding clutch hitt…
New York Yankees 1930 - 1942 1945 - 1946 US Army Air Division 1943 - 1945 The Yankees' all time leader in wins by a right hand pitcher with 231. The only pitcher in franchise history to compile four consecutive 20 win seasons fr…
"A man's size is measured by his heart" Scooter sparked the Yankees to 10 pennants and 8 world championships 1950 American League MVP 1950 American League player of the year MVP of the World seres in 1951 Has enjoyed two outstanding careers, all …
Manager of New York Yankees 1918 - 1929 Pennant winners 1921-22-23...1926,27,28World Champions 1923 1927 and 1928As a tribute to a splendid character who made priceless contributions to baseball and on the field brought glory to the New York club …
"The Voice of the Yankees"1939 - 1964With his warm personality and signature greeting "Hello There Everybody", he shaped baseball broadcasting by charismatically bringing the excitement and drama of Yankees baseball to generations of fans. He made…
New York Yankees 1930 - 42Known for his excellent wit as he was fast with a quip and a pitch. Set World Series record with 6 wins and no defeats. Has four 20 win seasons leading Yankees to seven pennants and six championshipsErected by New York Ya…
ManagerNew York Yankees 1931 - 1946One of baseball's most beloved and respected leadersled Yankees to 8 pennants and 7 world championships including 4 consecutive 1936 - 1939 compiling a .627 winning percentageErected by New York Yankees April 21,…
July 4 1930 - July 13 2010New York Yankees principal owner"The Boss"1973 - 2010Purchased the New York Yankees on July 5 1973. A true visionary who changed the game of baseball forever, he was considered the most influential owner in all of sports.…
1929 - 1980"A man of great gentleness and dignity" one of the all time Yankee greats. American League MVP in 1963 winner of two gold glove awards. A fitting leader to be the first black player to wear a Yankee uniform. " If indeed humility is a tr…