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Fall Tree Kill. . Named by the first settlers of the region. Here, his primitive bridge a fallen tree, the red man crossed this stream var plainText = document.getElementById('inscription1').innerText; document.getEle…
A Former Lake. . Just north of these gravel knolls is the basin of a postglacial lake. Here men of an Arctic type once lived and hunted var plainText = document.getElementById('inscription1').innerText; document.getEl…
Primitive Path. . Here ran a great and well-beaten path by the archaic Algonkin and other nations, going between the sea coast and the interior var plainText = document.getElementById('inscription1').innerText; docume…
Early type of Dutch farmhouse. To west was Woestina (Wilderness)
Edith M. Boldebuck, a leading GE patent holder, played a key role in the developments of plastics and insulating materials.
Lived Near Here In 1800s. French Settler Accused Of Witchcraft By New England Settlers. Killed By Silver Bullet Shot Through Her Window
Michael Righter 1718-1804 Buried Here First Permanent Settler of Duanesburg Who Lived In Small Cave Near Here ca 1765 Before Building a Log Cabin
A Fault And Displacement of 1000 Feet in Earth's Surface Rocks. Here, In 1669, The Mohawks Ambushed Their Algonkian Invaders
First Church In Glenville Built 1785, Here Stood The "Church At The Woestina" (Church In The Wilderness) Removed To Rotterdam 1812
Here About 1790 Harmanus Vedder Established A Ferry Which Bore His Name Until 1835 When The Ferry Rights Were Bought By J. Hoffman
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