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Hesperia, the name given to the Congdon's yacht, was a family name. Registered as a yacht in Lloyd's Register of American Yachts, 1911, the Hesperia was constructed of wood with a raised deck design. The boat was powered by an internal combustion …
Conventional ship's anchor used from about 1870 to 1910, from the Whaleback steamer Thomas Wilson, sunk a half mile outside Duluth Piers. Recovered in 1973 by the U.S.C.G. Cutter Woodrush with divers Elmer Engman, Dave Anderson, Dan Goman and Paul…
The Laurentian Divide separates the watershed of streams that flow north to the Arctic Ocean from the watershed of streams that flow south through the Great lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. Where you are standing the divide is formed by a prominent ar…
Marker Front:The Cloquet-Moose Lake forest fire of October 12-13, 1918, which almost reached this location, was one of the most destructive forest fires in Minnesota's recorded history. Like other major fires, this one took place on cutover land t…
In the 1950's the Pierce, South Agnew and Morton mines utilized a Marion 1150 Dragline to strip off the glacial till from above the iron ore body. This stripping bucket was on that Hanna Mining Company dragline. Several of the mining companies too…
Power Module Assembly ? Replacement Cost $372,000
Application: Komatsu 830E 240 Ton Electric Drive Haul Truck
Detroit Diesel Corporation 149 Series Engine
16 Cylinder, 2400 Cu. In., 2 Cycle Diesel Engine, 2200 Hp @ 1900 RPM
Fuel Consum…
The giant 170 ton production truck in front of you was donated by Hibbing Taconite in 1998. It was originally purchased in 1975 at a price of $451,900 and operated for a total of 110,000 hours or an equivalent of 12.5 continuous years. During the …
The production shovel bucket here was once mounted on a P & H shovel similar to the one pictured here.
The bucket capacity is 18 cubic yards which is equivalent to nearly 400 bushel baskets of dirt or broken rock.
Made of cast alloy iron, a…
In 1895 underground mining began in the Hibbing area following the discovery of iron ore. The Burt-Poole and Sellers mines were the first to ship that summer. Mining Captains, of Cornish decent, utilized their experience from the Vermillion Iron R…
Immediately to the north and extending approximately 3½ miles east to west is the open pit known as the Hull-Rust Mahoning Mine, begun in 1895. In fact, over the past 100 years of mining here, more than thirty separate mining companies have o…