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Nineteenth Century railroads were dependent upon coal for fuel. The vast coal reserves of southern Wyoming helped determine the route of the transcontinental Union Pacific Railroad and were the basis for Wyoming's first energy boom. Commun…
The National Registerof Historic PlacesWyoming Place No. 183
The National Register of Historic PlacesWyoming Place No. 183Downtown Evanston Historic District
In February 1873 a branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was organized in Evanston by President William Budge, of Bear Lake Valley, Idaho. On May 23, 1873 William G. Burton was ordained bishop. On June 24, 1890 this ward was in…
The deserted site of Field City or Tubb Town offers silent testimony to the boom and bust fate of many western towns.
In the spring of 1889 Deloss Tubbs, a businessman from Custer, Dakota Territory, laid out Field City around his store on the e…
The Aladdin Tipple in Crook County, Wyoming, was constructed as part of the Aladdin coal mining operations. In 1898, an 18-mile-long short line known as the Wyoming and Missouri River Railroad was built to connect coal mines near Aladdin with the …
During the summer of 1874, General George Armstrong Custer led the first official government expedition to the Black Hills, which the Sioux Indians claimed as their territory. Although the United States Government officially sent this expedition o…
Devils Tower, an important landmark for Plains Indian tribes long before the white man reached Wyoming, was called Mateo Tepee, or Grizzly Bear Lodge, by the Sioux. A number of Indian legends describe the origin of Devils Tower. One legend tells a…
Devils Tower, known as Bear's Lodge to Northern Plains Tribes, rises high above the Belle Fourche River, grasslands, and ponderosa pine forests. This major landmark of the Northern Great Plains has attracted people for thousands of years. Today, i…
The first Permanent Jewish Synagogue in Wyoming was erected in 1915 by Cheyenne's Mt. Sinai Congregation. German Jewish merchants came to Cheyenne starting in 1867, organized but were unable to build a Synagogue. After 1900, with the arrival of Je…