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Memorialized ByBayanihan Club of Union "Lest We Forget"December 7, 1941To honor our service men and womenwho sacrificed so much "The Day Of Infamy"when 360 Japanese planes descended on Americansat Pearl Harbor killing 2400 and wounding 1200.
Dedicated toLt. Col. John H. Glenn Jr.Feb. 20, 1962Project Mercury
Lt. General Wilhelmvon Knyphausen ordered asecond British column tomarch on Vaux Hall Roadin order to out flankAmerican troops fightingon the hill above theFirst Presbyterian Church.
On June 23, 1780 BritishGeneral Sir Henry Clintonmarched through Elizabethand Connecticut Farms (nowUnion Township) with 5000British and Hessian troopsand was stopped atSpringfield and Millburn.
On this site formerly stood Union Center's "Landmark" Jahn's Restaurant and Ice Cream parlor. In Union from 1962 thru 1998.
Buried in this mass grave areBritish and Hessian troops killedat the Battle of Connecticut Farms7 ? June ? 1780These soldiers lost their livesin defense of the British Crownand in support of the Loyalistcause during the Revolutionary War.
Residence ofGovernor William LivingstonEminent lawyer, statesman, writer and poet
Governor of New Jersey from 1776 - 1790
Representative of New Jersey in the First Continental Congress 1774. Again a delegate in 1775. Commissioned Brigadier G…
Built in 1772 by WilliamLivingston, later a patriotleader, governor of NewJersey, 1776-90, Member ofConstitutional Convention.
American troops withdrewwest along Elmwood andMorris Avenues toward theRahway River Bridge at theSpringfield border onJune 7, 1780 after heavyfighting at the FirstPresbyterian Church.
Lt. General Wilhelmvon Knyphausen led 5000British and Hessian troopswest on Morris Avenueon June 7, 1780. Hisobjective was to destroyWashington's army campedin Morristown.