Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 22443

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At Popes Creek Plantation, George Washington was born into the plantation culture he would know his entire life. Today, no visible vestiges of the plantation remain. Instead, exhibits, buildings, and interpreters on the site give a sense of the li…
The Chesapeake Bay continues to be a generous provider of food, industry, and income. Millions of people are now drawn to the Bay in pursuit of leisure and tranquility. Recreational uses have increased since Washington's time, when the watershe…
The generous resources of the Chesapeake Bay invited Englsih exploration and settlement of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. With Native American assistance, English settlers developed a cash crop industry. Tobacco cultivation and export was th…
Site of eighteenth-century dairy used by the Washingtons for storage of milk, cheese and other dairy products. The original brick floor is still in tact. Please leave undisturbed.
At the distant end of the field in front of you stood the home of Henry Brooks, the first owner of much of what would become Popes Creek Plantation. As you look toward the house site, perhaps you can sense the isolation Henry Brooks must have f…
In 1664, John Washington, the great-grandfather of George Washington, built a small house on this site. From these modest beginnings, a powerful and prominent Virginia family would arise. During his thirteen years here, John Washington attende…
The ...inhabitants of the Chesapeake Bay Region made ...its bountiful resources. The large pristine bay and its waterways including the Potomac River before ... sustained nearly 27,000 Native Americans. ...around...creeks... of the watershed. …
While the essentials of life could be had from the waters, fields, gardens, and forests of Popes Creek Plantation, true economic prosperity depended on the plantation's link to the world; the Potomac River. The boat landing for Popes Creek Plan…
Three generations of George Washington's forebears are buried here. The first burials were made in 1668, when John Washington's wife Anne and two small children died. During the next thirty years, at least nine more Washingtons—including Geo…
On the ground before you once stood the plantation home of Augustine Washington and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington. Here, on February 22, 1732, George Washington—farmer, general of the Continental Army, and first president of the Unit…