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"The town is divided into several ? streets along ? sides are planted orange trees? London Magazine 1745
Imagine a typical day here on Broad Street in the early 1740s. Women worked in fenced gardens. Children played in the streets. Soldiers vis…
AccompanyingGeneral James Oglethorpeto this island in 1736 wereJohn and Charles Wesleyleaders in the Evangelical Movementand founders ofThe Methodist Church
Their faith and fidelity are knownthroughout the world
The settlers of St Simon's Island in the 1700s used an unusual building material—oyster shells. The colonists found piles of them when they arrived here, discards from long-ago feasts of the local Guale and Mocama Indians. These mounds of sh…
The skirmish at Bloody Marsh was more than a battle.It was a clash of cultures - each vying for control ofwhat is now the southeastern United States.Soldiers from Hispanic colonies in the New Worldfought under the Spanish banner, with the help ofI…
We are resolved not to sufferdefeat - we will rather die likeLeonidas and his Spartans - if wecan but protect Georgia andCarolina and the rest of the Americansfrom desolation ? ? ? ? ? ? Oglethorpe
Erected on the battlefield ofBloody Marsh - by…
Side 1: Reverends John & Charles Wesley
"About 3:30 in the afternoon I first set foot on St. Simons Island and immediately my spirits revived." Charles Wesley, March 9, 1736.
Ordained ministers of the Anglican Church, the Wesleys joined Gen…
In February of 1984, an expedition launched from St. Simons Island discovered the calving grounds ofthe North Atlantic Right Whale. Female whalesgive birth in nearby coastal waters during the wintermonths; But the young calves and their mothers ar…
In 1774 Major Pierce Butler of South Carolina purchased Hampton Point in northwestern St. Simons Island, and by the 1790s Hampton was developed into the island's largest cotton plantation in land and slave population. Signer of the Constitution an…
In 1793 John Couper, with his partner James Hamilton, purchased Cannon's Point in northeastern St. Simons Island. In addition to the production of cotton, Couper experimented with citrus trees, grapes, date palms from Persia, mulberry trees for si…
In 1800 James Hamilton, with his partner John Couper, purchased land at Gascoigne Bluff. Under Hamilton's stewardship, Hamilton Plantation became one of the major St. Simons producers of long-staple cotton. After Hamilton moved to Philadelphia, ma…