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On the hill south is thesite of the gallows whereMajor John Andre, Britishspy, was hanged, andburied, on Oct. 2, 1780.
Trails of the Bear Mountain - Harriman Parks Bear Mountain - Harriman State Park's trail system is an extensive web of paths, trails and old roads that satisfy the hiker seeking natural beauty and a quiet escape. While the best known of these is t…
It Began with a BoomJust over a century ago, more than a thousand cubic yards of the Palisades Cliffs were being blasted away every day for a growing New York in need of roads and foundations. The constant explosions could be felt and heard for mi…
"Lest we forget" ♦ ♦ 1917 - 1918 ♦ ♦Charles Ahrens · Gilbert Bell · Bonnard Blakeney · Gordon Blakeney · Harry Buckland · Joseph Grandell · George Garrecht · Samuel Gifford …
has been placed on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the InteriorOccupancyKarl Kirchner 1936
has been placed on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the InteriorRestored byEdward & Molly Samett 1993
Here in 1950 a group of WWII G.I. Bill student-veterans from Shanks Village planned and built a community of homes cooperatively on McGillicuddy's farmland. Houses and road were sited to preserve the natural environs. Low on funds, each family wor…
Site of the signing of theOrangetown Resolutions 1774and the incarceration ofBritish Spy Major John Andre 1780has been placed on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the InteriorRestored in 1987 by Robert Norden
This house served as General Washington's headquarters during Major John Andr?'s trial and in 1783, when Sir Guy Carleton visited to plan the evacuation of New York City.
Revolutionary War Heritage Trail
Built 1726, Domine SamuelVerbryck lived here duringRevolution. He was friendof Washington. He foundedRutgers College, N.J.